NWI Catholic Men's Conference
October 8, 2022
The Diocese of Gary with the Northwest Indiana Catholic Men's Fellowship Groups are preparing for our 2022 NWI Catholic Men's Conference. All men ages 16 and older are invited to attend this one day conference to encounter the living presence of Jesus Christ in word and sacrament, to learn and grow as a disciple of the Lord, and to meet and worship the Lord with other men of faith!

“If Anyone Eats of This Bread, He Will Live Forever ” — JOHN 6:51

St. Patrick Catholic Church, Chesterton, IN

We are in need of volunteers for monthly tasks all year and also the day or the conference. Click here to learn more or to download resources.
Conference Location:
St. Patrick Catholic Church
638 N. Calumet Road
Chesterton, IN 46304
Mailing Address:
Diocese of Gary
9292 Broadway
Merrillville, IN 46410